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VMax Fitness Vibration Machines

Because of their wonderful machines that are backed up by incredibly good customer services and warranties (and honoring their warranties), VMax Fitness is one of the best brands that I have come across. Both their machines and the customer service are great pleasures to work with! Their warranties are amongst the very best that are given anywhere by any vibration machine brand today.

VMax Pulser 2

VMax Pulser 2
VMax Pulser (Original)

VMax Pulser (Original)
VMax Trio 2

VMax Trio 2
VMax Trio (Original)

VMax Trio (Original)
VMax Duo

VMax Duo
VMax Q7

VMax Q7
VMax Q5

VMax Q5
VMax Q2

VMax Q2

VMax Pulser 2
Pulser 2 (Pulser) is the new machine that has recently hit the VMax sales stands. It is an improvement upon the older VMax Trio, though the old Trio is still doing as well as ever and has been updated to Trio 2. The new 2025 Pulser 2 provides a tri-motion spiral vibration, and has a weight capacity significant enough to be used in a commercial setting. In the past one year, Pulser 2 has been my highest selling model of VMax Fitness (closely followed by the Trio 2). The machine has a wide platform of 26 inches by 30 inches, and performs very well while loaded in spite of the large platform. The weight capacity is around 440 lbs. The space on the platform is sufficient for taking active exercises such as dips and push ups, jumping around or doing yoga, while taking the vibration exercises. Over and beyond Trio 2, the Pulsar has a smoother feeling in spite of the larger platform. Overall, a great choice. While the benefits of a Pulser 2 are similar to a Trio 2, you could still choose to go for a Pulsar if you don't mind the extra couple of hundred. The extra smoothness would feel better, but more importantly, the extra space will allow you to take active exercises should you choose to. The display of the machine is really nice and cool.

VMax Trio 2
VMax Trio was the defining star in the horizon of VMax Fitness in around 2011. It is this model that earned VMax the fame of being one of the leading producers of vibration machines in Canada (and the USA). Their first ever spiral machine, it was a runaway hit with chiropractors at that time, and still is loved by chiropractors. I have sold this model to many chiropractors. Their current model is Trio 2. The weight capacity of this machine is also 400 lbs, the same as their new Pulser 2. However, the Trio 2 has a smaller platform compared to Pulser 2, with a dimension of 20 inches by 27 inches. This makes taking active exercises much easier on the platform of the Pulser 2, though they could be taken on the platform of the Trio 2 also. Because of the spiral vibration technology, the frequency range on the lower side of 6 to 18 Htz and on the higher side of 20 to 42 Htz (up to 50 Htz in case of dual mode vibration), both can be accommodated in the same Trio 2 machine (which is also applicable for Pulser 2). In a way, Pulser 2 and Trio 2 have a lot of similarities with VibraTrim VT-500 and VT-400. There are many differences also.

The VMax Trio 2 provides all other benefits of the Pulser 2, except for the smaller platform. Instead of turning up the speed with a dial which is the case with VMax Pulser 2, in VMax Trio 2 you would have to push buttons up and down. This makes speed control and alteration a lot easier in the VMax Pulser 2 compared to the Trio 2. My partner has owned a Trio for many years, and he loves it. When I ask him why does he not upgrade to a Pulser 2 if he wants to keep a VMax Trio, he responds saying that it is not worth swapping as the benefits are almost similar, though the Pulser 2 is cooler because of that extra smoothness, the improved display and the larger platform size. We both love the updated Trio 2.

Note that, along with Trio 2, the other old workhorse of VMax Fitness, namely the Duo, have steel base, three built-in vibration training/exercise programs preset, custom program support for uploading vibration programs the user would prefer to exercise with, and vertical support tubes. The Duo has a base lower compared to the Trio 2.

VMax Q5 Portable
VMax Q5 is a wonderful portable vibration machine. Rarely have I seen a truly spiral machine in the portable vibration machine domain (Vibra Trim VT202+1 is another one). Usually, I don't care about portable vibration machines, but the Q5 is one of the rare exceptions. Portable machines normally lack in power, and are just good for a bit of massage, blood flow improvement and lymphatic drainage. If you are just looking for mild vibration with your WBV machine, just go for a CHI machine at $100-$300. It will provide mild pivotal vibrations, which will move your legs back and forth in form of a comfortable massage.

However, Q5 goes a few steps beyond that. It is a proper dual-motor vibration machine with oscillating and pivotal, both types of vibration motions built in. Sure, it won't do a Pulser 2 or Trio 2 to you, but it will provide strong enough vibrations with adequate amplitude, frequency and G-force. All the benefits of a larger unit will also be available with this smaller portable unit, which is incredible! Just that, the process will take much longer - what could be achieved with a Pulser 2 or Trio 2 in say 10 minutes will take 18-20 minutes to achieve on this machine. So if you are looking for a portable unit with significant power, then VMax Q5 is one of your best solutions.

VMax Pulser 2

VMax Pulser 2

VMax Pulser 2

Dial 1-888-228-4387
for best discounts.
Use coupon code: 2305.
VMax Pulser (Original)

VMax Pulser (Original)

VMax Pulser (Original)

Dial 1-888-228-4387
for best discounts.
Use coupon code: 2305.
VMax Trio 2

VMax Trio 2

VMax Trio 2

Dial 1-888-228-4387
for best discounts.
Use coupon code: 2305.
VMax Trio (Original)

VMax Trio (Original)

VMax Trio (Original)

Dial 1-888-228-4387
for best discounts.
Use coupon code: 2305.
VMax Duo

VMax Duo

VMax Duo

Dial 1-888-228-4387
for best discounts.
Use coupon code: 2305.
VMax Q7

VMax Q7

VMax Q7

Dial 1-888-228-4387
for best discounts.
Use coupon code: 2305.
VMax Q5

VMax Q5

VMax Q5

Dial 1-888-228-4387
for best discounts.
Use coupon code: 2305.
VMax Q2

VMax Q2

VMax Q2

Dial 1-888-228-4387
for best discounts.
Use coupon code: 2305.

VMax Pulser 2 Specs

VMax Pulser (Original) Specs

VMax Trio 2 Specs

VMax Trio (Original) Specs

VMax Duo Specs

VMax Q7 Specs

VMax Q5 Specs

VMax Q2 Specs

VMax Pulser 2

VMax Pulser 2

VMax Pulser 2

Dial 1-888-228-4387
for best discounts.
Use coupon code: 2305.
VMax Pulser (Original)

VMax Pulser (Original)

VMax Pulser (Original)

Dial 1-888-228-4387
for best discounts.
Use coupon code: 2305.
VMax Trio 2

VMax Trio 2

VMax Trio 2

Dial 1-888-228-4387
for best discounts.
Use coupon code: 2305.
VMax Trio (Original)

VMax Trio (Original)

VMax Trio (Original)

Dial 1-888-228-4387
for best discounts.
Use coupon code: 2305.
VMax Duo

VMax Duo

VMax Duo

Dial 1-888-228-4387
for best discounts.
Use coupon code: 2305.
VMax Q7

VMax Q7

VMax Q7

Dial 1-888-228-4387
for best discounts.
Use coupon code: 2305.
VMax Q5

VMax Q5

VMax Q5

Dial 1-888-228-4387
for best discounts.
Use coupon code: 2305.
VMax Q2

VMax Q2

VMax Q2

Dial 1-888-228-4387
for best discounts.
Use coupon code: 2305.

I promise to have the lowest prices anywhere, for all brands and models. If you find a machine listed at a lower price within 30 days of purchase from me, I shall refund what you paid extra. Call me before you buy (1-888-228-4387) and ask for the lowest prices. You will save at least $200-$600, if not more. I am not permitted to advertise those prices online, not even with coupons, so call me up or write me an email.